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June 6, 2024

7 Creative Fan Engagement Ideas for Brands at Comic Con

Overhead shot of the convention floor at Comic Con

Comic Con is the ultimate playground for fans and brands alike. Each year, this massive event offers prime opportunities for brands to connect with passionate fans and build lasting brand loyalty—exactly why simple booths and giveaways won’t cut it. 

If your experiential marketing activations at Comic Con aren’t prioritizing fan engagement, you’re missing out. So, come with us as we explore creative fan engagement ideas sure to pull the crowd to your space at Comic Con 2024.

1. Create Interactive Augmented Reality Experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are experiential marketing trends that open up a world of possibilities for immersive fan engagement at Comic Con. Use this technology to set up AR mirrors where fans can instantly transform into their favorite characters, showcase brand features in a more innovative way, or even distribute hidden, exclusive content that supports your brand story. 

The best part? They not only encourage exploration but also provide a unique, shareable experience that extends beyond the physical event, which is exactly what you want!

2. Use Line Engagement Strategies

Long lines are inevitable at Comic Con, but they also present an opportunity for fan engagement ideas. Think trivia games, giveaways, or live entertainment for line engagement strategies that keep fans engaged, entertained, and excited about your event while they wait. 

3. Build a Separate Space for Photo Ops

Speaking of long lines, another way to keep fans engaged is by separating a key photo moment from the full activation and creating individual lines for each. Fan engagement ideas like these allow fans to participate without a huge time commitment, whether they’re loyal ones with limited time before their next panel or casual fans unwilling to wait for the entire experience. Meanwhile, those with more time can enjoy both experiences, and you can create multiple interaction points with your brand—a win-win for all.

⚡Pro Tip: Fan engagement ideas like these can be a great source of user-generated content!

 A woman poses beside Stormtroopers at a Star Wars Battlefront Game demo booth

Image Source: Shutterstock

4. Organize Trained Actor Interaction

At its heart, Comic Con is a big interactive experience. One of the best fan ideas you can try is to let fans engage with their favorite characters in real life. Swap traditional brand ambassadors with trained actors for this and watch your fan engagement skyrocket.

Skilled actors bring characters to life and elevate an experience in a way no static displays or regular staff can. For instance, HBO’s House of the Dragon activation at the 2022 San Diego Comic Con featured actors portraying guards of King’s Landing interacting with attendees in-character and improvising based on the fans' actions. Spoiler alert: it was a hit.

🧑‍🎤Pro Tip: You’ll want to hire actors with a background in improv and adept at thinking on their feet while interacting with fans to keep the magic alive. 

5. Organize Fan Contests and Competitions

What better way to engage with fans than through contests and competitions? Live games and contests create a buzz and attract a larger crowd to your booth. Plus, it’ll make fans feel hyped and energized, creating a bigger personal connection and positive brand association. 

This type of fandom marketing similar to cosplay contests has long been a staple at events like Comic Con where fan behaviors are driven by enthusiasm and a desire for active participation. Take advantage of it and strategize how to best tap into fan loyalty and leave a lasting positive impact. 

🏆Pro Tip: To make your fan ideas more attractive, offer exclusive prizes, such as limited-edition merchandise or VIP experiences. Incentivize participation and you drive fan engagement.

Fans playing FIFA at a gaming stand at the 2019 Cartoomics Comic Con

Image Source: Shutterstock

6. Make Everything Digitally Accessible  

In large events like Comic Con, trade shows, or even the Super Bowl, you can’t overlook digital fan engagement. Making everything accessible on digital platforms extends your reach far beyond the event's physical boundaries. 

Think of a fan engagement strategy like a live-streaming panel, virtual event, or exclusive online content to let loyal fans who can’t attend in person still participate and feel connected to your brand.

🎟️ Pro Tip: Digital accessibility can also enhance fan engagement success on-site. For example, interactive maps, event schedules, and real-time updates can help attendees navigate the event more efficiently and maximize their time.

7. Use Projection Mapping With Ambient Audio

Engaged fans are fully immersed fans. If you want to improve fan engagement at Comic Con, you want to engage fans at every level—sights and sounds.

One sure way to nail this is through projection mapping. It projects scenes from your latest movie, game, or product launch onto the walls of your booth—a powerful tool for creating unforgettable live events 

Paired with ambient audio, you can create amazing, multi-sensory brand activations that immerse fans into your brand’s universe, creating a deeper emotional connection that leaves a lasting impression.

Make Every Event a Fan-Engagement Masterpiece

Comic Con is a great place to boost your brand's presence and engage fans, but any event can be an opportunity for incredible fan engagement. Whether your goal is to increase fan interaction, encourage merchandise purchases, or build lasting brand loyalty, experiential marketing can help you achieve it.

Concierge Club is a premier event and experiential marketing agency that delivers luxury experiential campaigns for some of North America’s most notable brands. From Comic Con to trade shows and beyond, we create immersive one-of-a-kind events and experiences that leave a lasting impression on old and new fans alike.

Ready to engage with fans like never before? Contact us today!